Dr. Steven Quay Featured In Taiwan News

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I had the honor to sit down for both a video and written interview with the Taiwan News. We discuss the origins of COVID and my latest case for the lab leak theory. You can watch the video above, and I’ve linked the article below.

About Taiwan News:

Taiwan News began publication in 1949 as “China News.” Founded by James Wei, It was the first English-language newspaper in Taiwan. Its ongoing mission is to report on both Taiwanese society as well as modern global trends, building a bridge of communication between cultures and nations

Steven Quay is the founder of Seattle-based Atossa Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: ATOS), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics and delivery methods for breast cancer and other breast conditions.

He received his M.D. and Ph.D. from The University of Michigan, was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT with Nobel Laureate H. Gobind Khorana, a resident at the Harvard-MGH Hospital, and was on the faculty of Stanford University School of Medicine. His contributions to medicine have been cited over 9,600 times. He has founded six startups, invented seven FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, and holds 87 US patents. Over 80 million people have benefited from the medicines he invented.

His current passion is the prevention of the two million yearly breast cancer cases worldwide.

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Los casos de COVID-19 están aumentando ligeramente en EE. UU., y se introducirá una nueva vacuna este otoño. Telemundo20 en Texas conversa con el Dr. Quay para discutir los datos más recientes sobre esta vacuna y las precauciones que las personas deben considerar para los próximos meses. A pesar de la presencia continua del virus, actualmente es menos infeccioso y se asemeja a un resfriado común en términos de transmisión.