Guest article from Stephanie Haywood
If the COVID-19 outbreak is preventing you from getting to the gym, yoga studio, meditation center, grocery store—or anywhere else you rely on to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally fit—you’ll be glad to know that your health and wellness goals don’t need to suffer during the pandemic. To assist you in staying true to these goals, we’ve compiled some resources on working out, eating nutritiously, and practicing self-care during COVID-19—all from the comfort of your home.
Healthy Eating for Greater Immunity
Even though you may not be shopping for groceries as often as you used to, you can still find ways to prepare nutritious meals.
Making Health and Nutrition a Priority During the Coronavirus Pandemic
How to Shop Safely During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Where Does Costco Deliver? Costco Delivery Near Me
5 Things That Can and Cannot Boost Your Immune System During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Learn the Facts About Fasting
Home Workouts to Keep You Physically Fit
While the gym may be off limits, you can still engage in regular exercise.
The Best At-Home Workout Streaming Services to Try During COVID-19
The 9 Best YouTube Yoga Channels for Practicing Yoga at Home
51 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Use a Smartwatch to Accurately Measure All Your Workouts
Self-Care Strategies for Less Stress and Anxiety
While exercising and eating healthy will keep you physically and mentally strong, look for ways to relax as well.
15 Ways to Practice Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus
A Checklist for Clearing Bad Energy from Your Home
Meditation for Anxiety: Try a Free Headspace Meditation
10 Self-Care Tips to Cope with Isolation and Stress
24 Foods Scientifically Proven to Help Ease Depression (and Ideas for Preparing Them!)
8 Things to Do at Home While Social Distancing to Keep Your Sanity
Cultivate Mindfulness at Home: Stress-Reduction for the Whole Family
Alternatives to Face-to-Face Therapy
Most of us are under considerable strain during the pandemic, so look to mental health professionals for extra support.
Coronavirus Anxiety: Should I See My Therapist Face-to-Face?
Manage Anxiety & Stress During COVID-19
Distance Therapy: Understanding Phone and Internet Therapy
The 7 Best Mental Health Apps of 2020
As we adjust to this new normal, some aspects of our lives will become more of a challenge—especially if we’re used to practicing yoga in a studio or meeting face-to-face with a licensed psychotherapist. However, these tips and resources will help to keep our bodies and minds strong and healthy as we learn to distance ourselves from others and spend more of our free time from the comfort and safety of our homes.